Papers Distribution for Publication and Registration Progress (Final Version)
- IJEECS: International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- IJAI: IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
- IJERE: International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education
- Our journals (IJEECS, IJAI, IJERE) do not publish your above papers, if:
- Revisions are not appropriate as Reviewers and Editor comments
- First author is changed (we only accept MAX 2 papers for same first author)
- Paper with single author
NO | EDAS ID# | Title | Authors | Plotting | Initial Screening Result |
1 | 1570618590 | Measure The Effectiveness Of Information Systems With The Naïve Bayes Classifier Method | Agung Triayudi, Sumiati, Saleh Dwiyatno, Dentik Karyaningsih, Susilawati | IJAI | Figure 1 has poor quality, Figure 1 and 2 are not referred in the bodytext, Table 1,2,4,5 are not referred in the bodytext, the similarity reach 29%, similarity index must be less than 25% |
2 | 1570631786 | A Comparison Between Deep Learning, Naïve Bayes and Random Forest for the Application of Data Mining on the Admission of New Students | Nurhachita, Edi Surya Negara | IJAI | Figures and Tables should be referred in the bodytext, lack of References (we expect a minimum of 25 references research/original paper or 40 references for review paper), All references should be cited in the bodytext. Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
3 | 1570632929 | Hybrid DSS for Recommendations of Halal Culinary Tourism West Sumatra | Mardison, Agung Ramadhanu, Larissa Navia Rani, Sofika Enggari | IJAI | Table 16 is not referred in the bodytext, Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
4 | 1570632971 | Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machines for Classifying Breast Cancer | Zuherman Rustam, Yasirly Amalia, Sri Hartini, Glori Stephani Saragih | IJAI | Passed |
5 | 1570633026 | Lung Cancer Classification Using Fuzzy C-Means and Fuzzy Kernel C-Means Based on CT Scan Image | Aldi Purwanto, Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Stephani Saragih | IJAI | Table 1 is not referred in the bodytext, |
6 | 1570633031 | Pancreatic Cancer Classification Using Logistic Regression and Random Forest | Fildzah Zhafarina, Zuherman Rustam, Glori Stephani Saragih, Sri Hartini | IJAI | Passed |
7 | 1570633046 | Stochastic Gradient Descent for Knee Osteoarthritis Classification | Ruhul Selsi, Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Saragih, Muhammad Ariq Yusaputra Bahar | IJAI | Table 4 is not referred in the bodytext, Citation should be ordered by ascending, Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
8 | 1570633047 | Comparing Support Vector Machine and Random Forest to Predict Ovarian Cancer | Annisa Wardhani, Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Stephani Saragih, Shafira Habibah | IJAI | Figure 1 has poor quality and not referred in the bodytext |
9 | 1570633070 | Comparison Some of Kernel Functions with Support Vector Machines Classifier for Thalassemia Dataset | Ilsya Wirasati, Jane Eva Aurelia, Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Stephani Saragih | IJAI | Equations should be ordered by ascending |
10 | 1570633083 | Acute Sinusitis Data Classification Using Grey Wolf Optimization-based Support Vector Machine | Ajeng Maharani Putri, Zuherman Rustam, Jacub Pandelaki, Ilsya Wirasati, Sri Hartini | IJAI | Table 2 is not referred in the bodytext, the similarity reach 28%, similarity index must be less than 25% |
11 | 1570633090 | Hepatitis Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Random Forest | Jane Eva Aurelia, Ilsya Wirasati, Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Stephani Saragih | IJAI | Citation should be ordered by ascending, the similarity reach 29%, similarity index must be less than 25% |
12 | 1570633207 | Fuzzy Mamdani Logic Inference Model In The Loading Of Distribution Substation Transformer SCADA System | Rahma Farah Ningrum, Riki Ruli A. Siregar, Darma Rusjdi | IJAI | Figure 3, 4, 5, 6 are not referred in the bodytext, Citation on Conclusion is not allowed |
13 | 1570633238 | Comparison Between Fuzzy Kernel K-Medoids Using Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel and Polynomial Kernel Function in Hepatitis Classification | Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Stephani Saragih | IJAI | Passed |
14 | 1570633248 | Handling The Imbalanced Data with Missing Value Elimination SMOTE in The Classification of The Relevance Education Background with Graduates Employment | Anita Desiani, Sugandi Yahdin, Annisa Kartikasari, Irmeilyana | IJAI | Passed |
15 | 1570633263 | Spatial Analysis Model For Traffic Accident-Prone Roads Classification: A Proposed Framework | Anik Vega Vitianingsih, Nanna Suryana, Zahriah Othman | IJAI | Citation on Conclusion is not allowed, the similarity reach 26%, similarity index must be less than 25% |
16 | 1570633651 | Performance Comparison Between Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for the Classification of Indonesian Language Articles | Titin Winarti, Henny Indriyawati, Vensy Vydia, Febrian Wahyu Christanto | IJAI | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text (we can't find citation number 18 to 28) |
17 | 1570634368 | Internet of Things and Fuzzy Logic for Smart Street Lighting Prototypes | Mindit Eriyadi, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Hasbullh, Sandy Bhawana Mulia | IJAI | Citation on Conclusion is not allowed, the similarity reach 28%, similarity index must be less than 25% |
18 | 1570635286 | Machine Learning Algorithm Optimization of Bankruptcy Prediction of Bank | Bambang Siswoyo, Nanna Suryana, L Nurwandi | IJAI | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text. |
19 | 1570635656 | Segmentation Atrioventricular Septal Defect by using Convolutional Neural Networks based on U-NET Architecture | Ade Iriani Sapitri, Siti Nurmaini, Sukemi, M. Naufal Rachmatullah, Annisa Darmawahyuni | IJAI | Passed |
20 | 1570635877 | Intrusion Detection with Deep Learning on IoT Heterogeneous Network | Sharipuddin, Benni Purnama, Kurniabudi, Eko Arip Winanto, Deris Stiawan, Darmawijoyo Hanapi, Rahmat Budiarto, Mohd. Yazid Idris | IJAI | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text (we couldn't find citation number 11 and 12), the similarity reach 30%, similarity index must be less than 25% |
21 | 1570636192 | Applying Fuzzy Proportional Integral Derivative (FPID) on Internet of Things (IoT) for Figs Greenhouse | Andi Riansyah, Sri Mulyono, M. Roichani | IJAI | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text (we couldn't find citation number 12 and 15), Figure 1,2,3,4 are not referred in the bodytext, Figures 7 and 8 have poor quality and not referred in the bodytext, Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
22 | 1570636338 | Comparison Of Multi Attribute Utility Method Theory (MAUT) And The Technique For Order Method Of Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (Topsis) For Determining Household Surgery Recipients | Septya Maharani, Holis Ridwanto, Heliza Rahmania Hatta3, Dyna Marisa Khairina, Muhammad Rivani Ibrahim | IJAI | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text (we couldn't find citation number 19 and 20), Reference number 18 and 19 are similar. Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
23 | 1570636622 | Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Method for automation of Decision Making of Boeing Aircraft Landing | Winda Pratiwi, Aghus Sofwan, Iwan Setiawan | IJAI | Passed |
24 | 1570636859 | Deep Ensemble Learning for Skin Lesions Classification with Convolutional Neural Network | Renny Amalia Pratiwi, Siti Nurmaini, Dian Palupi Rini, Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah, Annisa Darmawahyuni | IJAI | Passed |
25 | 1570637180 | Estimating Probability of Banking Crises Using Random Forest | Sri Hartini, Zuherman Rustam, Glori Stephani Saragih, Maria Vargas | IJAI | Passed |
26 | 1570637205 | EEG Signal Classification for Drowsiness Detection using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine | Novie Theresia Br. Pasaribu, Timotius Halim, Ratnadewi, Agus Prijono | IJAI | References min 25 primarily journal articles. Citation should be made sequentially, from [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] … [25] |
27 | 1570638433 | DDoS Attack Detection Using Deep Learning | Thapanarath Khempetch, Pongpisit Wuttidittachotti | IJAI | 50% referensi [online] we recommend add reference from journal articles, there is no explanation figures 3, 4, 6, 7. |
28 | 1570618185 | Design and Characteristics Assessment of Wireless Vibration Sensor for Buildings and Houses | Suherman, Fahmi, Ulfa Hasnita, Zul Herri | IJEECS | Passed |
29 | 1570618191 | Embedding the Three Pass Protocol Messages into Transmission Control Protocol Header | Suherman, Deddy Dikmawanto, Syafruddin Hasan | IJEECS | Passed |
30 | 1570618194 | Increasing Transmission Control Protocol Speed in TCP/IP Network by Reducing TCP-ACK Collision Probability | Suherman, Ali Hanafiah Rambe, Norshakila Haris, Anhar | IJEECS | Passed |
31 | 1570631470 | The Automatic And Manual Railroad Door Systems Based On IoT | Setiyo Budiyanto, Freddy Artadima Silaban, Lukman Medriavin Silalahi, Triyanto Pangaribowo, Gao Hongmin, Rachmat Muwardi | IJEECS | Passed |
32 | 1570632202 | Network Analysis of YouTube Videos Based on Keyword Search with Graph Centrality Approach | Edi Surya Negara, Ria Andryani, Riyan Amanda | IJEECS | There is no explanation Figure 5 or not referred in the bodytext, References minimum is 25 primarily journal articles, Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text |
33 | 1570632203 | A Low-Cost IoT-Based Auscultation Training Device | Heri Andrianto, Daniel Perdana Sutanto, Yunus Adhy Prasetyo | IJEECS | Passed |
34 | 1570632452 | Combining Feature Selection and Hybrid Approach Redefinition in Handling Class Imbalance and Overlapping for Multi-Class Imbalanced | Hartono, Erianto Ongko, Yeni Risyani | IJEECS | Passed |
35 | 1570632823 | Smart Ambulance Using IOT for Blood Transfer Facilities | Mohamed Torad, Yahia Hendawy | IJEECS | References minimum is 25 primarily journal articles, Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be cited in the body text |
36 | 1570633168 | Analysis of Determination of Items Ordering Patterns by Using Apriori Method (Case Study in University of Potensi Utama) | Bob Subhan Riza, Hendra Nusa Putra, Ahmad Zamsuri, Lusiana,Sarjon Defit | IJEECS | There is no explanation Figure 5, Table 3 and 4 or they are not referred in the bodytext, References minimum is 25 primarily journal articles, Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text |
37 | 1570633206 | Home Security Monitoring System With IoT-based Raspberry Pi | I Gusti Made Ngurah Desnanjaya, I Nyoman Alit Arsana | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figure 1 and Table 1 or they are not referred in the bodytext. |
38 | 1570633212 | Denoising of EEG Signal Based on Word Imagination Using ICA for Artifact and Noise Removal on Unspoken Speech | Efy Yosrita, Rosida Nur Aziza, Rahma Farah Ningrum, Givary | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figure 2 or it is not referred in the bodytext. |
39 | 1570633232 | Integrated smart home system based on IoT | Puji Catur Siswipraptini, Rosida Nur Aziza, Iriansyah Sangadji, Indrianto, Riki Ruli A. Siregar, Grace Sondakh | IJEECS | Some texts are still in Indonesian language, ex: jam, tgl. Decimal number use periods, Please correct reference writing |
40 | 1570633264 | Pump Card Calculation Simulation for Determining the Rod Pump System Parameter Value | Erwani Merry Sartika, Arief Darmawan | IJEECS | Missing Table 3. References minimum is 25 primarily journal articles |
41 | 1570633324 | Clusterization of Historical the Power Utilization Customer to Detect Power Losses in an Effort to Increase the Efficiency of Electric Energy Comsumtion | Yessy Asri, Dwina Kuswardani, Efy Yosrita, dan Ferdinand Hendrik Wullur | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figures 1,2,3,6,7,8 and Tables 2-12 or They are not referred in the bodytext. References minimum is 25 primarily from journal articles, Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text (we couldn't found citatioin number 13) |
42 | 1570634163 | Android-Based Capacitor Discharging Calculator Application | Wisnu Kartika, Erika Loniza, Meilia Safitri | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figures 1,2, 4,7,8 or They are not referred in the bodytext. |
43 | 1570634632 | Robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem with hard time windows on waste transportation problems | Evi Yuliza, Fitri Maya Puspita, Siti Suzlin Supadi | IJEECS | The paper looks similar to BEEI, yet the author confirmed it is different. Thus, this paper had been dropped |
44 | 1570635486 | Design and Monitoring Body Temperature And Heart Rate in Humans Based on WSN Using Star Topology | Setiyo Budiyanto, Freddy Artadima Silaban, Lukman Medriavin Silalahi, Selamet Kurniawan, Fajar Rahayu I. M, Ucuk Darusalam, Septi Andryana | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figures 3, 5 and Table 1 or They are not referred in the bodytext. |
45 | 1570635614 | Geolocation Mobile Application as an Effort to Reduce Customers in Arrears Electric Payment | Yessy Asri, Irma Wirantina Kustanrika, Muhamad Jafar Elly, Thalia Grasella Tangkilisan | IJEECS | there is no explanation for Figures 1 and 2 or They are not referred in the bodytext. References minimum is 25 primarily from journal articles, Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text (we couldn't found citatioin number 12-16) |
46 | 1570635645 | Delineation of Electrocardiogram Morphologies by Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms | Annisa Darmawahyuni, Siti Nurmaini, Hanif Habibie Supriansyah, Muhammad Irham Rizki Fauzi, Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah, Firdaus, Bambang Tutuko | IJEECS | Passed |
47 | 1570635881 | Robot Movement Controller Based on Dynamic Facial Pattern Recognition | Ahmad Zarkasi, Siti Nurmaini, Deris Stiawan, Bhakti Yudho Suprapto, Sri Desy Siswanti, sds, Huda Ubaya | IJEECS | Figure 7 double |
48 | 1570635927 | Improvement of Power Transfer Efficiency of Hexagonal Coil Arrays in Misalignment Conditions | Sianturi Tigor Franky D, Taufik Hidayat, Mudrik Alaydrus | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figure 1 or it is not referred in the bodytext. Figure 5 have poor quality |
49 | 1570636002 | The Trend of SCADA Security Challenges in Heterogeneous Networks | M. Agus Syamsul Arifin, Susanto, Deris Stiawan, Mohd Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figures 4,5,7 or it is not referred in the bodytext. Figure 5 has poor quality |
50 | 1570636003 | The Trend of Malware Detection in IoT Network | Susanto Susanto, M. Agus Syamsul Arifin, Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto | IJEECS | Passed |
51 | 1570636052 | Integrating K-Means Clustering into Automatic Programming Assessment Tool for Student Performance Analysis | Rina Harimurti, Ekohariadi, Munoto2, I.G.P Asto Buditjahjanto | IJEECS | Figure 1, 2, 4 and 6 have poor quality. |
52 | 1570636198 | Early Warning Flood Detector Adopting Camera by SCED Algorithm Method | Satryo B. Utomo, Januar fery Irawan, Rizqi Renafasih Alinra | IJEECS | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text (we couldn't found citatioin number 9 and 11) |
53 | 1570636208 | Economic Technology Analysis of LTE Advanced Pro Dual Spectrum Licensed and Unlicensed Access Using Discounted Cash Flow Methods | Erman Al Hakim, Setiyo Budiyanto, Fajar Rahayu | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Tables 1, 8, 10 and 11 or it is not referred in the bodytext. Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text (we couldn't found citatioin number 31) |
54 | 1570636224 | A Queue Theory in the Cross-Polarization of Antenna in Satellite Communication | Rio Mubarak , Setiyo Budiyanto, Putri Wulandari, Fajar Rahayu, Andi Adriansyah, Mudrik Alaydrus | IJEECS | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text (we couldn't found citatioin number 27-30) |
55 | 1570636232 | Service Landscape for Private Universities in Indonesia Based on Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud Technology | Faiza Renaldi, Esmeralda Contessa Djamal, Irma Santikarama, Agya Java Maulidin | IJEECS | Figure 2 and 3 have poor quality. Please convert Table 1-6 as a table, not a figure. |
56 | 1570636293 | Classification of Rice Plant Nitrogen Nutrient Status Using K-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) with Light Intensity Data | Muliady Muliady, Lim Tien Sze, Koo Voon Chet, Suhadra Patra | IJEECS | Passed |
57 | 1570636336 | Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) Feature Extraction and Histogram in Breast Cancer Classification with Ultrasonographic (USG) Imagery | Karina Djunaidi, Herman Bedi Agtriadi, Dwina Kuswardani, Yudhi S. Purwanto | IJEECS | There is no explanation for Figure 2 and 3 or it is not referred in the bodytext. Please order the tables by ascending. Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
58 | 1570636337 | Automated Handwriting Analysis Based on Pattern Recognition: A Survey | Rudi Kurniawan, Samsuryadi Sahmin, Fatma Susilawati | IJEECS | Passed |
59 | 1570636344 | Measuring Information Security Policy Compliance: Content Validity of Questionnaire | Angraini, Rose Alinda Alias, Okfalisa | IJEECS | Passed |
60 | 1570636346 | Improved Incentive Pricing-Based Quasi-Linear Utility function of Wireless Networks | Fitri Maya Puspita, Bella Juwita Rezky, Arden Naser Yustian Simarmata, Evi Yuliza, Yusuf Hartono | IJEECS | Passed |
61 | 1570636351 | Evaluation Comparison of Wave Amount Measurement Results in Brass-Plated Tire Steel Cord Using RMSE and Cosine Similarity | April Lia Hananto, Sarina Sulaiman, Sigit Widiyanto, Aviv Yuniar Rahman | IJEECS | Passed |
62 | 1570636356 | Topic Modelling of Disaster Based on Indonesia Tweet Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation | Iswanto, Aninditya Anggari Nuryono, Alfian Ma’arif | IJEECS | There is a section that uses bahasa Indonesia |
63 | 1570636357 | Design of Gas Concentration Measurement and Monitoring System for Biogas Power Plant | Iswanto, Bilah Kebenaran, Prisma Megantoro | IJEECS | Passed |
64 | 1570636860 | An Arrangement of the Number of K-Grams in the Performance of Rabin Karp Algorithm in Text Adjustment | Yuli Astuti, Irma Rofni Wulandari | IJEECS | weak references, 50% bahasa indonesia. Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
65 | 1570637083 | IOT and Transparent Solar Cell Based Automated Green House Monitoring System for Tomato Plant Cultivation | Yus Rama Denny, Endi Permata, Adhitya trenggono, Vaka Gustiono | IJEECS | Passed |
66 | 1570637199 | Improving the Speed of Ball Detection Process and Obstacle Detection Process in ERSOW Robot using Omnidirectional Vision Based on Robot Operating System (ROS) | Muhammad Abdul Haq, Iwan Kurnianto Wibowo, Bima Sena Bayu Dewantara | IJEECS | Citation not sequentially, there is no explanation figures 3-6 |
67 | 1570637230 | Models of Improved Multilink Reverse Charging Network by Utilizing the Bit Error Rate QoS Attribute | Fitri Maya Puspita, Rohania, Evi Yuliza, Wenny Herlina, Yunita | IJEECS | Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text. |
68 | 1570637326 | K-Means Method for Clustering Learning Classes | A D Indriyanti1, D R Prehanto1, T Z Vitadiar2 | IJEECS | References min 25 primarily journal articles. Citation should be made sequentially, from [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] … [25] |
69 | 1570637327 | The Parasitic Element of The Communication Network Uses a Hexagonal Patch Microstrip Antenna | I G L E Prismana, D R Prehanto, A D Indriyanti , I K D Nuryana, G S Permadi, M F Rizal | IJEECS | Similarity 82%, Citation should be made sequentially, Citation should be made sequentially |
70 | 1570637856 | Control of inventory system with random demand and product damage during delivery using the linear quadratic gaussian method | Sutrisno, Widowati, R. Heru Tjahjana | IJEECS | Passed |
71 | 1570637890 | Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) in Clustering Genre Music | Dine Tiara Kusuma, Yessy Fitriani, M Yoga Distra S | IJEECS | All references should be CITED in the body text. |
72 | 1570638590 | Analysis and Comparison of Cloud Computing Providers for Development of Big Data and Internet of Things Application | Muhammad Fajrul Falah, Yohanes Yohanie Fridelin Panduman, Saifudin Usman, Arther Wilem Cornelius Tirie, M. Cahyo Kriswantoro, Bayu Dwiyan Satria6, Sritrusta Sukaridhoto | IJEECS | Huge table please make it as an Appendix |
73 | 1570638686 | Improved Model of Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) Based-Fair Network in Internet Pricing | Indrawati, Fitri Maya Puspita, Desta Wahyuni, Evi Yuliza, Oki Dwipurwani | IJEECS | Passed |
74 | 1570638818 | Performance Analysis Routing Protocol between RIPv2 and EIGRP with termination test on Full Mesh Topology | D R Prehanto, A D Indriyanti, G S Permadi | IJEECS | References minimum is 25 primarily from journal articles, Citation should be ordered by ascending, All references should be CITED in the body text. Figures should be referred in the bodytext (explanation require) |
75 | 1570638828 | Securing Sensor Data Transmission with Ethernet Elliptic Curve Cryptography Secure Socket Layer on STM32F103 Device | Seniman, Baihaqi Siregar, Rani Masyithah Pelle, Fahmi | IJEECS | Passed |
76 | 1570634820 | A Gamification Framework for Research Productivity Enhancement on the Higher Education Institution | Ahmad Sanmorino, Luis Marnisah, Hastha Sunardi | IJERE | Figures should be referred in the bodytext (explanation require) |
77 | 1570633036 | The Implementation of Intelligent Systems in Automating Vehicle Detection on The Road | Susanto, Dimas Dwi Budiarjo, Aria Hendrawan, Prind Tri Ajeng Pungkasanti | IJAI | Author is not upload final version yet. |
78 | 1570636358 | Formulation of City Health Development Index Using Data Mining | Bertalya, Prihandoko, Lilis Setyowati, Febrian Iftikhar Irawan, Syahifa Rahmita Irlianti | IJEECS | Passed |
79 | 1570633051 | Analysis on Support Vector Machine and Relevance Vector Machine on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) | Muhammad Ariq Yusaputra Bahar, Zuherman Rustam, Sri Hartini, Glori Saragih, Ruhul Selsi | IJAI | Reference is not cited in the bodytext, please cited reference and order it by Ascending. Reference has not complete information (look reference format by IEEE). Table 2 & 3 are not referred in the bodytext. Number equations consecutively. |
80 | 1570633109 | Temperature and humidity control system for broiler chicken coops | Ramadiani Ramadiani, Eko Wiji Setio Budianto, Dharma Widada, Masayu Widiastuti, and Muhammad Labib Jundillah | IJEECS | Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. |
81 | 1570633159 | Web-based Document Certification System with Advanced Encryption Standard Digital Signature | Henny Indriyawati, Titin Winarti, Vensy Vydia | IJEECS | Passed |
82 | 1570636682 | Analysis of Sales Levels of Pharmaceutical Products by Using Data Mining Algorithm C45 | Rini Sovia, Abulwafa Muhammad, Syafri Arlis, Guslendra Guslendra, Sarjon Defit | IJEECS | References min 25 primarily journal articles. Citation should be made sequentially, from [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] … [25]. Please REMOVE all local language reference to avoid any problems in the future. All references should be cited in the body text (we can't find citation number 16 to 20). Please use Figure not Picture and add the explanation for the Figure (cite it in the bodytext). Tables should be explained and referred in the bodytext. |
83 | 1570635699 | Designing Consensus Algorithm for Collaborative Signature-based Intrusion Detection System | Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Eko Arip Winanto, Muhammad Sulkhan Nurfatih | IJEECS | All references should be cited in the body text (we can't find citation number 31 to 34). Please make different between Figure and Algorithm (should be referred an explained in the bodytext). |
84 | 1570635704 | The Combining of Correlation-Based Feature Selection Technique to Improve Anomaly Detection System | Kurniabudi, Abdul Harris, Dharma Wijoyo, Deris Stiawan, Rahmat Budiarto, Mohd Yazid bin Idris | IJEECS | References min 25 primarily journal articles. Citation should be made sequentially, from [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] … [25]. |